Vortex irrigation: an innovative solution for sustainable agriculture


Irrigation is a key component of agricultural production, but it presents significant challenges related to water efficiency, soil quality and irrigation system maintenance. The Industrial Vortex Generator (IVG), designed by H2O Vortex and integrated by Oseido, offers an innovative solution that transforms the properties of water to maximize irrigation efficiency, reduce water consumption and improve crop productivity.

How does vortex technology work?

The IVG is based on a biomimetic principle that imitates the natural movements of water. By passing through a vortex chamber, the water is subjected to specific hydrodynamic forces that modify its structure. This process has several beneficial effects:

  • Reduced water viscosity: Water becomes more fluid, making it easier for plants and soil to absorb.

  • Increase in conductivity: Treated water allows better transmission of nutrients.

  • Precipitation of calcium in the form of non-adherent crystals: This reduces the formation of limescale deposits on irrigation pipes and nozzles, limiting the amount of maintenance required.

Benefits for agriculture

The application of IVG in irrigation systems offers several key advantages for farms:

  1. Reduced water consumption: By optimizing the wetting power of water, water consumption can be reduced by up to 30%. This is particularly useful in regions where water resources are limited.

  2. Improved crop productivity: Plants absorb treated water more easily, which stimulates root growth and improves nutrient absorption efficiency. This has resulted in higher yields in a number of studies, such as cucumber production in the United Arab Emirates, where production increased by 6.35%.

  3. Reduced maintenance costs: The IVG system significantly reduces the build-up of limescale in installations, thereby reducing maintenance requirements and the need to replace parts. It also reduces the use of water treatment chemicals by up to 95%.

* The VPT IVG showed moderate effectiveness in killing bacteria like coliform and E. coli without chemicals.

Case studies : Practical results

The use of the IVG-IR system in agricultural irrigation has proved its effectiveness through numerous studies on market garden crops carried out by the Research and Development Centre in the Netherlands and by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and has also been tested on vineyards in Australia and golf course irrigation.

  • Growing cucumbers: At Al Hayer in Abu Dhabi, a study showed a spectacular increase in the yield of crops irrigated with vortex-treated water, with a 19.75% reduction in sub-optimal cucumber rejects.

  • Tomatoes: Tests carried out by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences revealed that tomato plants grown with IVG-treated water grew faster and were of better quality.

Conclusion / A sustainable solution for tomorrow’s agriculture

The IVG vortex generator represents an eco-responsible solution for agriculture, contributing to a significant reduction in water consumption, a reduction in the use of chemicals and an improvement in soil health. By integrating this technology into irrigation systems, farmers can not only improve the productivity of their crops, but also reduce their ecological footprint.

To find out more or to install the GVI system, please contact Oseido, official integrator of this innovative technology.

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